Aboriginal Navigator

The Aboriginal Navigator provides support to people with cancer and their families who identify as having First Nations, Inuit or Metis ancestry.

In southeastern Ontario, the Aboriginal Navigator is Dionne Nolan. Dionne is a mixed blood Algonquin and Ojibwe and a member of the Katarokwi Aboriginal Community for over 15 years. 

An Aboriginal Navigator offers service and support for Aboriginal people and their families living with cancer in the South East region. They are there with you throughout your cancer journey from diagnosis, treatment, recovery to palliative or end-of-life care. 

Who the Aboriginal Navigator works with:

  • Inuit, Metis and First Nations patients, families and their community
  • Health care providers 

What the Aboriginal Navigator does:

  • Ensure you understand what you are being told by attending appointments with you
  • Remind you “who is who” in your cancer journey
  • Search for options with you, including natural practices or traditional healers

Where the Aboriginal Navigator will meet you:

  • By appointment, in hospital, by phone and, when possible, at home

When to contact the Aboriginal Navigator

  • Throughout your cancer journey from diagnosis, treatment, recovery to palliative

To make an appointment with the Aboriginal Navigator talk to a member of your cancer care team or contact Dionne Nolan by email or call 613-549-6666 and dial extension 3851 (toll-free 1-800-567-5722, extension 3851). No referral is necessary.

Skennenkowa (great peace to you).